Clarity reaps results. When you are clear about what you desire and go into action aligned to that vision, magic starts to happen.
Spend a couple of focused hours with Tamra and come out the other side clear about your immediate goals with a road map to help you achieve traction.
There are 3 main steps in this coaching session:
- Let of the Past - dump what isn't working any longer.
- Dream Big - allow yourself to experiment.
- Create an Action Plan - get traction and see what aligns to you.
In just 2-short hours, we will come up with clarity and action steps that you can take to test out your ideas and dream. It's in the testing that you expand or eliminate ideas.

Let Go of the Past
In the first part of the session, we empty out the heavy things you've been carrying around with you that have been holding you back. It's time to let go and move forward in your life.

The Field of All Possibilities
We then dive into your dreams, ideas and life you want to live. We explore all dimensions of your dreams. No stone is left unturned as we move you toward clarity.

Action Plan
During the entire visioning session, copious notes are being taken for you to see after your session. In addition, the Visioning Session is recorded so that you can hear it again and again.
1:1 Visioning w/Tamra
I've been facilitating these 1:1 Visioning Sessions with people for over 20 years now. They are fun, effective and help you step into a truer life for yourself. Sometimes we just need help getting out of our own way.
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