Exciting News!
I'm writing a new book!
Check out my available (but limited) services below
Welcome to Meaning of Space!
This is the place where we turn your home into a true reflection of you, and a powerful mirror of your life vision. Your space is your third skin–you, your clothing and your home. When you create a home that supports your authenticity and your dreams, you feel at ease, in flow and in alignment with your life choices and direction.
Space is a reflection of your inner state of being. How does your home or office feel to you today? Does it reflect the real you and what you really want in your life? If not, that’s where the Meaning of Space comes in with our LifeSpace Alignment™ process.
Check out our services, practical programs and tools. You’ll learn how to clarify your vision, see the mismatches to it in your spaces and then take action to align them to your true, authentic self.
By changing your environment, you naturally change how you feel, which changes your internal patterns, and sets you on a clearer path towards reaching your goals.
Your spaces become a catalyst for personal transformation.
"No more excuses! This is a great tool to lead you in the right direction to get organized, relaxed and fall in love with your space again." - Cathy
Get personal support with your goals and your space.
Whether you live alone, with a partner, or with a multi-generational family - your space can either be your resting place or your place of chaos and confusion. For over 20 years, we've been helping people live better lives by revealing the metaphors in your space that can cause transformation and peace. Check out the services below to learn more.

Together we find clarity and set you on your path
Are you ready for a change in your life, but aren't confident in your choices? You may also be confused about the plethora of options, and need a sounding board.
You will experience a personalized clarity session and walk away with the specific action steps for you to follow to lead you on your new path.

Learn how to Live Better, Together.
This program is right for you if you and your partner are experiencing frustration with each other’s living style, your living styles are different and it’s causing friction, you don’t have 'me space', you want clutter to be gone and your space to feel clear, and you want new ideas and better ways to organize your home based on how you want to live.
That's where I come in!

Set your life on the right course
Align your space for manifestation
Does your space reflect who you authentically are? Does it represent who you were, or who you want to be?
Do you feel like clutter is taking over your space, free time, and you're not sure how to deal with it? Be confident in showing your home as a true reflection of your values.