5 Tips to Soothe Messy Housemate Frustration

cohabitation - housemates decluttering lifespace mirror living systems Jan 24, 2021

In this 6-minute video, I share insights on these things:

  • How your House History shapes your values, beliefs and habits.
  • How your Space Personality Style shapes your relationship with home.
  • How your personal language about the meaning of your stuff is a tool to build your relationships with your housemates instead of make it more stressful.

5 Tips to Soothe Messy Housemate Frustration:

  1. Awareness.
  2. Willingness.
  3. Create personalized Living Systems that integrate.
  4. Compromise on solutions.
  5. Have grace for the testing phase.

Enjoy this short teaching and make sure to check out the new services on the meaningofspace.com website.