This is a short video where I describe the inner workings of the LifeSpace relationship. Welcome to the world of seeing your space as an extension of yourself and how to refrain from self-criticism, judgment and shame and move forward in a positive way creating a relationship with your space like...
Your bedroom is the sacred space of intimacy and sometimes we turn them into storage rooms, exercise rooms, home offices and shrines to our children, all impacting our intimacy experience.
Intimacy is about being vulnerable and showing who we really are. It’s about how we allow the...
Your childhood homes from 0 to 18 shaped how you think, what you believe and how you take care of your home today. Understanding this early impact on your life can help you make sense of your lifestyle.
If you lived with a clutterer growing up, you might be burdened with that kind of space now;...
Interview with Lisa, Empowered Living Show.
September 21, 2016
Click here to watch:
Your body and everything in your life is mirrored in your space.
One of my favorite books about the human-home relationship is Home-Psych - The Social Psychology of Home and Decoration, Joan Kron. She states that the next thing in home decorating was the social psychology of home and decoration, beyond style and an exploration of how we shape our environments...