Face Your Space with Donald Rattner

my creative spaces Aug 26, 2021

So far, you’ve had two days of education and (I hope!) inspirational interviews with Donald Rattner, author of My Creative Spaces. And today’s interview is just as good!

In this interview, we’re talking about literally Facing your Space. I’m asking Donald:

  • What does facing your body into your creative space do for you?
  • How does space influence imagination and vision of the future?
  • And what do you mean by ‘find an edge’ in your space?

Donald also talks about how and why people are drawn to the edges of space and how it impacts anxiety.

Want to discover your Space Personality and create a home environment that is more YOU?

When you know who you are, you can create a space that reflects your unique style, values, interests and your life goals. Your space is your mirror and it tells a story about you. Take this free quiz to learn your Space Personality Style and turn your home into a living vision board for your dreams.